E-mail: runwu@ntu.edu.tw
實驗室: 昆蟲病理研究室 (昆蟲館111室)
電話: 02-3366-5528
博士:成功大學生物科技研究所 (09/2001-06/2008)
碩士:中央大學生命科學研究所 (09/1999-07/2001)
學士:文化大學森林學系 (09/1995-07/1999)
2022-迄今 教授,國立臺灣大學昆蟲學系
2020-迄今 Editorial Board Member and reviewer, Frontiers in insect science
2020-迄今 秘書長,台灣昆蟲學會
2019-迄今 秘書長,台灣蜜蜂與蜂產品學會
2019-2022 副教授,國立臺灣大學昆蟲學系
2019-迄今 Editorial Board Member, Scientific reports
2017 訪問學者,美國喬治亞大學昆蟲學系
2013-2019 助理教授 ,國立臺灣大學昆蟲學系
2009-2013 博士後研究員,中央研究院分子生物研究所
- 研究微小核醣核酸(miRNA)在應用在鱗翅目害蟲防治的可能性。我們的研究成果顯示微小核醣核酸可調控病毒感染型態,增加病毒感染鱗翅目害蟲如棉鈴蟲的能力。此項發現對於將來利用核酸取代傳統農藥防治,克服現存抗藥性問題與對於改善農業環境具有實質之應用潛力。
- 調控蜜蜂免疫與學習基因,增加蜜蜂抗病性與記憶力。蜂群消失,而造成極大農業經濟損失;本實驗室發現將蜜蜂處理組蛋白去乙醯化酶抑制劑(hitstone deacetylase inhibitors, HDACi)後,使蜜蜂免疫基因表現量明顯上升,對於增加蜜蜂抵抗病原菌的傷害有明顯回復效果。目前正評估如何實質應用在養蜂產業上。目前相關的研究中,認為其消失原因可能與病原菌干擾蜜蜂的記憶與學習行為有關,我們藉由調控學習與記憶基因表現,使記憶受損的蜜蜂可以明顯增進學習能力。對於保護蜂群,維持蜜蜂正常授粉,使得蜂產品產量增加具有正面效應。
- 張園、唐政綱、吳岳隆。2019。昆蟲、病原菌與免疫防禦的戰爭。科學月刊。590期。
- 張園、呂昀恆、吳岳隆。2019。隱身昆蟲體內的血流脈動— 開放式循環系統。科學月刊。601期。
- 唐政綱、陳平、吳岳隆。2020。遭受感染之後怎麼辦?—談昆蟲免疫力。科學月刊。605期。
- 林家揚、林鈺淳、吳岳隆、黃榮南。2021。「生物工廠」是什麼?如何建立一座蟲蟲生物工廠?。科學月刊。621期。
- Chih-Hsuan Tsai, Yi-Chi Chuang, Yun-Heng Lu, Chia-Yang Lin, Cheng-Kang Tang, Sung-Chan Wei and Yueh-Lung Wu*. 2022. Carbohydrate metabolism is a determinant for the host specificity of baculovirus infections. iScience. Vol 25, Issue 1. (SCI; IF: 5.458, 14/73=19.1% (MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES))
- Ping Chen, Yun-Heng Lu, Yu-Hsien Lin, Carol-P Wu, Cheng-Kang Tang, Sung-Chan Wei and Yueh-Lung Wu*. 2021. Deformed wing virus infection affects the neurological function of Apis mellifera by altering extracellular adenosine signaling. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. (Accepted) (SCI; IF: 4.714, 7/102=6.8% (ENTOMOLOGY))
- Cheng-Kang Tang, Yu-Hsien Lin, Joe-Air Jiang, Yun-Heng Lu, Chih-Hsuan Tsai, Yu-Chun Lin, Yun-Ru Chen, Carol-P Wu, and Yueh-Lung Wu*. 2021. Real-time monitoring of deformed wing virus-infected bee foraging behavior following histone deacetylase inhibitor treatment. iscience. Vol 24, Issue 10. (SCI; IF: 5.458, 14/73=19.1% (MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES))
- Carol P. Wu, Chia-Jung Chang, Cheng-Hsun Li and Yueh-Lung Wu*. 2021. The influence of serial passage on the stability of an exogenous gene expression in recombinant baculovirus. Entomological Research. 51(4), p168. (SCI; IF: 1.306, 60/102=58.8% (ENTOMOLOGY))
- Cheng-Kang Tang, Chih-Hsuan Tsai, Carol-P Wu, Yu-Hsien Lin, Sung-Chan Wei, Yun-Heng Lu, Cheng-Hsun Li, and Yueh-Lung Wu*. 2021. MicroRNAs from Snellenius manilae bracovirus regulate innate and cellular immune responses of its host Spodoptera litura. Communications Biology. 4, Article number: 52 (SCI; IF: 6.268, 8/93=8.6% (BIOLOGY))
- Yun-Heng Lu, Carol-P Wu, Cheng-Kang Tang, Yu-Hsien Lin, Houda Ouns Maaroufi, Yi-Chi Chuang, and Yueh-Lung Wu*. 2020. Identification of Immune Regulatory Genes in Apis mellifera through the Caffeine Treatment. Insects. 11(8), 516; https://doi.org/10.3390/insects11080516. (SCI; IF: 2.769, 18/102=17.6% (ENTOMOLOGY))
- Yu-Hsien Lin, Chia-Chi Tai, Václav Brož, Cheng-Kang Tang, Ping Chen, Carol P. Wu, Cheng-Hsun Li and Yueh-Lung Wu*. 2020. Adenosine receptor modulates permissiveness of baculovirus (budded virus) infection via regulation of energy metabolism in Bombyx mori. Frontiers in immunology. Apr; 11; 276. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.00763. (SCI; IF: 7.561, 24/162=14.8% (IMMUNOLOGY))
- Yuan Chang, Cheng-Kang Tang, Yu-Hsien Lin, Chih-Hsuan Tsai, Yun-Heng Lu and Yueh-Lung Wu*. 2020. Snellenius manilae bracovirus suppresses the host immune system by regulating extracellular adenosine levels in Spodoptera litura. Scientific Reports. Feb 7;10(1):2096. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-58375-y. (SCI; IF: 4.379, 14/73=23.2% (MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES))
- Jen-Fu Liao, Carol-P Wu, Cheng-Kang Tang, Chi-Wei Tsai, Lenka Rouhová and Yueh-Lung Wu*. 2019. Identification of regulatory host genes involved in sigma virus replication using RNAi knockdown in Drosophila. Insects. 10(10), 339; doi: 10.3390/insects10100339. (SCI; IF: 2.769, 18/102=17.6% (ENTOMOLOGY))
- Pei-Chi Wu, Yu-Hsien Lin,Song-Tay Lee,Carol-P Wu, Tsai-Chin Wu, Yuan Chang and Yueh-Lung Wu*.2018. MicroRNAs derived from the insect virus HzNV-1 promote lytic infection by suppressing histone methylation. Scientific Reports. (Accepted).
- Yee-Tung Hu, Pei-Chi Wu,Cheng-Kang Tang, En-Cheng Yangand Yueh-Lung Wu*. 2018. Histone deacetylase inhibitor-treatment restores memory-related gene expression and learning ability in neonicotinoid-treated Apis mellifera. Insect Molecular Biology.Aug;27(4):512-521.
- Yu-Wei Chen, Carol-P Wu, Tsai-Chin Wu and Yueh-Lung Wu*. 2018. Analyses of the transcriptome of Bombyx mori cells infected with either BmNPV or AcMNPV. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology. 21. 37-45.
- Yee-Tung Hu,Tsai-Chin Wu, En-Cheng Yang, Pei-Chi Wu and Yueh-Lung Wu*. 2017. Regulation of genes related to immune signaling and detoxification inApis melliferaby an inhibitor of histone deacetylation. Scientific Reports. 7: article 41255.
- Chang KP.,Batchu R,Chen HW,Chow LC,Elliott R,Head J,Fan CK,Hung CH,Ji DD,Lun ZR,Manna L,Matsumoto Y,Ng DP,de Oliveira C,Melo S,Ozbel Y,Özbilgin A,Reynolds J,Sanjoba C,Shiao SH,Shih NY,Tsai CW,Vicente MG,Barré C,Volf P,Wu YL,Yu CL,Zhou XN.Kolli BK. 2016. New "light" for one-world approach toward safe and effective control of animal diseases and insect vectors from leishmaniac perspectives. Parasites & Vectors. Jul 13;9(1):396. doi: 10.1186/s13071-016-1674-3.
- Wu, Y. L., C. P. Wu, and Y. C. Chao*. 2014. Identification of a high efficiency baculovirus DNA replication origin that functions in insect and mammalian cells. Journal of Virology. 88:13073-85.(Selected as the Spotlight paperby the Journal)
- Wu, Y. L., C. P. Wu, C. Y. Y. Liu, W. C. Hsu, E. C. Wu, and Y. C. Chao. 2011. A non-coding RNA of HzNV-1 virus establishes latent viral infection through microRNA. Scientific Reports 1: article 60. (Scientific Reports is an, online, open access, multidisciplinary publication from Nature Publishing Group)(Impact Factor of 5.578., Journal Rankin Category=5/56).
- Yueh-LungWu, Carol P.Wu, Catherine Y. Y. Liu, Song-Tay Lee, Hsiao-Ping Leeand Yu-Chan Chao.2011. HzNV-1 viral gene hhi1induces apoptosis which is blocked by Hz-iap2 and a non-coding gene pag1. Journal of Virology 85:6856-66.(Impact Factor of 5.308., Journal Rankin Category=3/27).
- Carol P. Wu, Yi-Ru Huang, Jen-Yeu Wang, Yueh-Lung Wu, Huei-Ru Lo, Jui-Ching Wang, and Yu-Chan Chao.2010. AcMNPV LEF-2 is a Capsid Protein Required for Amplification but not Initiation of Viral DNA Replication. J Virol. 84: 5015-5024. (Impact Factor of 5.308., Journal Rankin Category=3/27)
- Yueh-Lung Wu., Carol P.Wu., Song-Tay Lee., Han Tang., Chi-Hua Chang., Hong-Hwa Chen.and Yu-Chan Chao. 2010. The Early Gene hhi1 Reactivates Latent HzNV-1 Virus in the Latently Infected Cells.J Virol. 84: 1057-1065. (Impact Factor of 5.308., Journal Rankin Category=3/27)
- Yueh-Lung Wu and Yu-Chan Chao. 2008. The establishment of a controllable expression system in baculovirus: stimulated over-expression of polyhedrin promoter by lef-2. Biotechnology Progress 24: 1232-1240. (Impact Factor of 2.389., Journal Rankin Category=16/108)
- Yueh-Lung Wu., Catherine Y. Y. Liu., Carol P. Wu., Chia Hung Wang., Song-Tay Lee. and Yu-Chan Chao.2008. Cooperation of ie1and p35 genes in the activation of baculovirus AcMNPV and HzNV-1 promoters. Virus Research135: 247-254. (Impact Factor of 2.810., Journal Rankin Category=15/30)
- Tsai, T. C., H. M. Yang,Y. L. Wu, C. W. Chi, M. D. Chou, L. S. Lee, and T. J. Chang. 1999. Abnormal transcripts of FHIT gene in Chinese brain tumors. Oncol. Rep. 6:345-348. (SCI) (Impact Factor of 1.524)
- Chang, T. J., T. C. Tsai,Y. L. Wu, H. M. Yang, C. W. Chi, A. H. Yang, and C. H.Lee. 1998. Abnormal transcripts of FHIT gene in thyroid cancer. Oncol. Rep. 5:245-247. (SCI) (Impact Factor of 1.524)